SITEMAP                                                              Notes:    = Available also in Swedish      = Swedish version
Partners E×H LLC
Debye & Cole-Cole equations
Liquid water –20…+100 °C
Dielectric data of reference liquids
Permittivity & enthalpy data: meat & bread
The two basic heating mechanisms —>
Grundläggande värmingsmekanismer    —>
Martin Chaplin Water Site
Peter Püschner website
 Water and alcohols permittivity data (PDF)      GIF
Material data and penetration depth concept
Two other heating mechanisms and non-thermal effects —>
Permittivitet hos vatten och alkoholer (PDF)     GIF
Tabell med materialdata. Inträngningsdjupsbegreppet.
 Två andra värmningsmekanismer. Icke-termiska effekter—>

The TE10 waveguide

Commentary Risman article on ovens and
industrial applications, April 2005

Commentary on the “state-of-the-art”
Internal R&D Instruction sheet – measurement applicator
Risman paper on mode theory (AMPERE 2003)
Risman poster on advanced mode theory   ( " )
Some aspects on microwave penetration
On microwave oven modes—Brewster
The burnt stripe effect   —>
Journal of Microwave power

AMPERE 2009 pres. on the effect    IMPI 2007 pres. on small/flat object heating
& Design
QWED website         QWED leaflet (Risman)
On deviations between modelling & experiments
The edge overheating effect

The proximity effect
The exploding egg effect
A microwave movie
Patents &
The HERA applicator     The FERA applicator
A description of use of evanescent modes
The CATS cavity
European Patent Office (Risman patents &c)
US Patent Office (Risman patents &c)
Equipment safety Microwave transparent barriers
IEC website: Safety Standard  IEV website    IEV841
MW heating terms (IEC)
Terms and definitions – tunnel ovens
IEC Standard Annex: Leakage & Exposure (authored by Risman)
Modified leakage measurement probe
An example of leakage forwarding
  Graphical MW symbols
Overhead illustration on need for information
 Answers to some common questions
Example of personnel instruction sheet
Links (See the actual link page)
Address Directions (map)   Directions (address map site)